Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just Sit Back and Relax

Here's a picture of Emma after she woke up from the anesethia(sp?) Our batteries died in the camera so Matt took this with his phone. I just thought it was too cute that she put her arm up behind her head and was sippin' away at her apple juice without a care. If we could all be so calm under such hard circumstances. The only time she tensed up was if someone with a lab coat came over but if we told her they weren't going to poke her she calmed right down.

Our Brave Little Hero

Emma had her ETT appointment yesterday. It's an ECO where they go down your throat and look at the back of your heart. She had to go under general anesthesia which went better than expected. Last time she went under she woke up half way and was all angry at everyone until she woke up all the was actually kind of funny to see this cute little girl being so mean to everyone. Anywho...she was extremely brave and adorable. She was already under when they did the IV so we got to avoid her having to be brave for that. I was a little worried because on Monday when they drew blood she kinda freaked out which was new to me because she is always so dang brave. I was glad to see her show how she was feeling instead of held back tear drops which brake your heart.
So...we don't know the result of the test because Dr. Kanakriyeh has to present her again and see if they will do the surgery to fix her valve. Baby steps. It's just nice to know we've done everything we can at this point and the rest is out of our hands into much bigger hands. As soon as I get the call I'll update her blog. We are hoping for surgery this summer. Thanks for all the words of encouragement, prayers and support. WE couldn't go through this without all of you.